27 August 16:00-19:00 (BST) Para and Adaptive Sports Medicine Free Webinar

Jan Lexell

Jan Lexell MD, PhD, DPhil h.c.

Jan Lexell is Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and Chair in the Department of Health Sciences at Lund University, Lund and Head of the Rehabilitation Medicine Research Group. Jan is clinically active as a Medical Director and Senior Consultant in Neurorehabilitation in the Department of Rehabilitation at Ängelholm Hospital, Sweden. He is also Medical Director at Hermelinen Sports Concussion Center, Luleå, Sweden. 

Jan is trained in rehabilitation medicine as well as neurology. His research focuses on the consequences of a neurologic disability in a life-long perspective, and sports for people with a disability. He is standing member of the Medical Committee in the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and Chair of the IPC Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Committee. He was Chief Medical Officer of the Swedish Paralympic Committee 2010-2018. He is also Associate Editor of the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and editor for the section on Para sport and Paralympic sport. 

He has published over 300 original articles, reviews, proceedings and book chapters on topics related to muscle physiology, aging, neurorehabilitation and pain rehabilitation, and Para Sport and Paralympic sport. He has supervised 17 PhD-students during the past 25 years.